bellone-consonni - IC- bellone-consonni - the new ringo

marco bellone and giovanni consonni are an ecletic directors duo, they grew up in milan, but they traveled all around the world for filmaking. after the bachelor degree in industrial design at politecnico di milano and istituto europeo di design of milan, they have started shooting music videos and tv shows for mtv and other international broadcasters such history channel, comedy central, fox. in professional term, they improved quickly, until in 2010 when they shot their first feature film : ameriqua, that was released in theatres in 2013 starring bobby kennedy III, eva amurri, alessandra mastronardi, giancarlo giannini, alec baldwin and others talented actors. they have worked on a range of productions, from feature film to commercial, documentaries, tv shows, tv series, music video and live music for many clients and networks : barilla, nike, fiat, moschino, maserati, san pelligrino, gucci, mtv, pinko, history channel, comedy central, rai, mediaset, fox, fremantle media and many others. they are currently writing their second feature film. their past experience as directors, dp’s and editors make them an uniquely talented practitioner, with a detailed understanding of the various craft of filmaking.